Second up in my series of four promised posts is a quick pointer to something we’re doing at DIUS towers.

We’ve been experimenting for a few months now with how to use the social web for engagement in policymaking and have some successes and failures under our belt. But what’s the difference between a success and failure anyway? Is it how many people visited the blog? Left comments? Or the quality and value of those comments to the policymakers involved?

So, Michelle’s been doing some sterling work over the last few weeks to root out examples of evaluation metrics and frameworks for engagement exercises. The aim is to boil them down – with a bit of expert help – into something simple and practical which can be applied to any online engagement projects so that we can fairly answer the question: did it work?

We’d like your ideas and comments on the draft framework, so we’ve put it on our new sandbox wiki (thanks to our resident digital enabler) for comment over the next week or two. Please do take a look and contribute your thoughts – thanks to simesmith and sophiacollins for their great input so far.

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