Our clients do some jolly interesting things online. Of course, I would say that, but they really do: everything from podcasting about alternatives to Trident to fighting dodgy landlords, arguing for involving the public in deciding how to deal with Syria to arguing the case for reorganising A&E departments.

Like a lot of digital agencies, we plan and build sites with clients, keep them updated and working and help out when things need changing or fixing. But we can sometimes lose track of the exciting bit: what do these new tools enable our clients to do?

HT client dashboard

Our new office client dashboard helps to keep us a little bit closer to our clients, bringing in articles from their sites via RSS, as well as their tweets from a list. It’s powered by a little Android USB stick plugged into into a spare 27″ screen, with some bespoke code to wrangle RSS feeds and pictures into something intelligible. Already, it’s helped us pick up some interesting stories or announcements clients have made that we’d probably have missed otherwise – and of course, it’s a bit of a talking point generally.


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